Saturday, April 18, 2015

Overthinking Thinks

I am a chronic Overthinker. I overthink all kinds of thinks. You read that correctly. Not things, but thinks. Sleep is stolen from me nightly as I lay wide awake overthinking the most ridiculous queries.

Are we saving enough money for retirement?
Hard to know for sure ... and by the way - do we need long-term care insurance?
Will I be the fatty in the wedding photo? Is my hair too short? Too grey?
Yes to all three.
Am I making a substantial contribution to society?
If I have to ask it's probably a big fat "no."
Have I made peace with my past?
Yes, yes I have. And forgiven as well.
What does my future hold?
Hard to say.
Yoga and a positive outlook are working their magic on me.
I embrace the opportunities just beyond my horizon.
(With a magnificent trip just waiting around the corner for me at any given moment.)
And, I am grateful for the love of my family.
Day in, and day out they are all there for me, and I am so very blessed.

 My Rock... My Hubby... My Jeff!

Cheers Everybody :)

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