Friday, February 7, 2014

Someplace to Sit Yourself Down

I am fascinated with benches... so cozy, so welcoming, so available, and so everywhere you look. Or everywhere I look anyway. Take a peek at this sweet bench in Amsterdam amidst the blooming tulips.

How is this word 'bench' actually defined by Webster's?

a) a long seat meant for several persons - see what I mean about being cozy?
b) a seat occupied by an official or person of integrity, such as a judge or churchgoer

Hmmm - benches can be cozy...

In Geneva, Switzerland...

Or in the San Francisco Botanical Garden...

Or official like these church pews in the Netherlands...

Synonyms for bench include: pew, settee, lounger, and chair. Settee has a nice ring to it I think.

I do so love photographing benches with a unique quality or artwork, something I've not seen before.

In San Francisco's Golden Gate Park...

In the Denver Art Museum...

 Or in Charleston, South Carolina...

I especially love these two benches - the first with my dear daughter outside Ft. Sumter

And this one from Antigua in the Caribbean - who can deny this fact??

Grab a peaceful bench for yourself and watch the world as it swirls around you.
:) Deb

1 comment:

  1. I have never thought about taking pictures of benches. What a thing. I love it. Muah
